Covenants Corner

Covenant?  What is a covenant?  Random House Webster’s describes it as “an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or not to do something specified”.

In the case of Jefferson Woods, it means we have selected our home and we choose to live here accepting all the terms and conditions that go along with it. Our covenants help ensure that our neighborhood remains attractive and that our property values are maintained

Please, review your Covenants and get to understand them.  For questions or concerns regarding the covenants of Jefferson Woods please contact Scott Sells by phone or email at Homelink, which is our property management company.  In addition, covenant violations can be reported anonymously to Homelink.

770-634-8879 (cell)
770-573-3757 (fax)
or via email at


Listed below are all forms, covenants, and guidelines available in PDF format.



>> Click here to be directed to our Covenants page